A number of these images were later transmitted to news agencies in America and other countries, where they helped to inform the world about the horrors of Nazism and the plight of concentration camp prisoners. Many of the early still and moving pictures of newly liberated Nazi concentration camps were taken by Army photographers such as Arnold E. In the course of photographing World War II, the Signal Corps also played a crucial role in documenting evidence of Nazi atrocities and the Holocaust. From these sources, the Army supplied the news media in the United States and elsewhere with imagery of the war, using 24-hour air delivery service and later sophisticated telephoto electronic-transmission equipment. The Signal Corps subsequently documented every major military campaign in the ETO, producing millions of feet of combat film and hundreds of thousands of developed still images. On D-Day (June 6, 1944), members of the unit hit the Utah and Omaha beaches, forwarding the first film of the amphibious assaults to England via carrier pigeons. In the European theater of operations (ETO), Signal Corps photographers took part in the landings in North Africa, Italy, and later Normandy. They brought their talents in the motion picture studio to the field of battle, while dozens of others provided instruction to the personnel. During World War II, noted Hollywood producers, directors, and photographers (such as Darryl Zanuck, Frank Capra, John Huston, and George Stevens) all served in the Signal Corps. In addition to its primary role in military transmissions, the unit also played a key role in producing training films for army and civilian personnel, and documenting combat missions. The Signal Corps pioneered in the development of radar to detect approaching aircraft as well as mobile communications and deciphering machines. The need to coordinate swift and accurate communication for air, ground, and naval units required more sophisticated technology and services. From a staff of 27,000 persons, it expanded to over 350,000 men and women by 1945. This article was originally published in the Army Communicator e-publication which is a source of command information for the men and women of the United States Army Signal Corps. In World War II, the Signal Corps' size and role in military affairs increased dramatically.

By the time the United States entered World War I in 1917, the corps had integrated the airplane and more advanced technology into its communications systems. During the Civil War, the Signal Corps operated air balloons and telegraph machines. Under his command, the unit transformed sign language used to communicate with deaf persons into a semaphore system incorporating red and white “wigwag” flags. Myer, a physician, as Chief Signal Officer. Without the operational Army, the institutional Army has no purpose.The US Army Signal Corps began in 1860, with the appointment of Dr. Without the institutional Army, the operational Army cannot function. Once those forces are deployed, the institutional Army provides the logistics needed to support them. Army installations provide the power-projection platforms required to deploy land forces promptly to support combatant commanders. SIGNAL CORPS EQUIPMENT - Weight per unit, 392 SIGNAL CORPS STORAGE CATALOGUE. The industrial base provides world-class equipment and logistics for the Army. It also allows the Army to expand rapidly in time of war.
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The training base provides military skills and professional education to every Soldier-as well as members of sister services and allied forces. Institutional organizations provide the infrastructure necessary to raise, train, equip, deploy, and ensure the readiness of all Army forces.

The institutional Army supports the operational Army.
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The operational Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world. Regardless of component, the Army conducts both operational and institutional missions.

The reserve components are the United States Army Reserve and the Army National Guard. The Army, as one of the three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) reporting to the Department of Defense, is composed of two distinct and equally important components: the active component and the reserve components.