(" Don't," his signature song, is more of a pitch meeting than a love ballad: "Girl, said he keeps on playin games/And his lovin ain't the same.If you were mine you would not get the same/If you were mine you would top everything.") He can't help but compare himself to other men, forever triangulating his shot in relation to the maneuvering of another guy. Instead, the figure Tiller embodies on this album is, as he describes it himself in song commentary for Genius, a "nobody" who has since come up and is trying on a weird sort of self-conviction, the kind that results in dudes who sometimes have a hard time listening, who sometimes seem to be unable to take rejection at face value. Unlike, say, Rick James on "Fire & Desire," the 24-year-old Louisville native doesn't portray himself as a reformed player, newly worth of love because he's ready to settle down and put his womanizing ways away. His 2015 debut, Trapsoul, begins with Tiller announcing that he's not done (meaning he's singing to an ex, or someone he's pursued before-it changes from song to song), that he's different (not just from other guys but from previous iterations of himself as well), and that he "love you." It's a concise intro, encapsulating all of the album's emotions and thematic variations in a little over 90 seconds.

Bryson Tiller writes desperate, pleading R&B songs with confidence.